National Entrepreneurship Initiative for Improving the Investment Climate (NEI)
Вопрос практики - How to remove bureaucratic obstacles?
Implementation country
Entrepreneurship support
Implementation period: 84 months
Подготовительный этап
от 84 мес.
Команда практики
Market segment
  • • Практики для государства

Practice description


  • Упрощение, удешевление и ускорение процедур ведения бизнеса

Practice result

Implementation cost: Up to 500 thousand ₽

Implementation stages

84 month

How can we help new entrepreneurs start their own businesses?
How do we streamline communication between the business community and supervisory authorities?
Как обучить студентов созданию бизнес-проектов?
How do we promote self-employment for young people in our region?